Going… To Do More Good

As we approach our 2024 “Here for Good” Vision Offering, we believe that our calling is clear… “Go”. Go serve people that it’d be easy to overlook. Go get people who want to come but can’t. Go serve with more intensity and more passion and more priority than ever. Just… “go!”

That’s why, this year, our “Here for Good” Vision Offering is all centered around transportation. Currently, BELIEVING owns no vehicles, yet the needs around us requiring vehicles is great and it’s increasing. So our aim is to purchase vehicle to enable us to go, like we never have before.

This year, our “Here for Good” Vision Offering will take place on Sunday, December 8, 2024. On this day, we’re asking everyone that calls BELIEVING home to come prepared to give so that the vision to be HERE FOR GOOD and go to even more people can be accomplished.

After that day, you can still give toward this years Vision Offering online or in person by marking your give as for the “Vision Offering”.

Specifically, we have two vehicle focuses that we intend to fund through this year’s “Here for Good” Vision Offering.

Work Vans

We are believing to be able to acquire two “work vans” that will be primarily and initially dedicated to expanding our outreach efforts in significant ways. These vans will enable us to increate the capacity and frequency of our neighborhood investment work through Beautiful Berclair and enable us to expand our Grocery Distributions by adding “DropOffs” to our current “PickUps”, serving families who do not have the ability to get to our facility.

These vans would make both of these things possible, and enable us to expand ministry work on a daily basis as we serve needs all around us.

People Mover

We are also believing to be able to acquire one “people mover” that will primarily and initially be dedicated to picking people up and bringing them to church. We get contacted weekly from people who would like to come to church, but can’t. Having this vehicle would enable us to create a system to pick people up on a weekly basis and connect them to services. Plus, it would enable us to provide transportation for college students to and from the university each Sunday as well.

This people mover would be a game changer for connecting people to services and enabling people to travel together as our needs and frequency continues to grow with trips, events, retreats and other opportunities.

Giving in the Offering

On December 8th, we will all come ready to give, but if you would like to give at any time in the HERE FOR GOOD Offering, you can do so by indicating “Here For Good” on your online giving, check memo or envelope and it will be applied to this initiative. 100% of the funds raised will go to these projects.

We thank God for your prayers, consideration and sacrificial generosity so that BELIEVING can make more room for more people, so that all people are transformed in Christ.

Answers to Common Questions

Here are a few answers to some of the most common questions people have and do ask. If you don’t see your question answered here, email us! We’d be happy to answer any and all questions you have about the HERE FOR GOOD Offering.

How much should all of this cost?

That’s a great question. We have lots of leads with different types of vehicles, used and new, at a variety of prices. We anticipate needing somewhere between $75,000 and $100,000 to purchase all three vehicles.

Is my gift tax-deductible?

Absolutely. BELIEVING is a 501[c][3] organization and all donations are tax deductible.

Can I donate through my business?

Of course. You’re welcome to contact the office for clarity, but like personal donations, it too would b tax deductible.

What happens if we raise more than we need? Where does the extra go?

Great question. This year, since our focus is on going, it would help to cover ongoing new expenses with the vehicles, from insurance, gas, maintenance and more.

What happens if we don’t raise enough to purchase all of them?

We will purchase the work vans first as these are extensions of work we’re doing in the city already and having them will be game changers for many. Then, we will purchase the people mover. We work hard to operate below our means and are constantly saving to handle big expenses and next steps for us as a church. We’ll get there, and our “Here for Good” Vision Offering can help us get there quickly.