Free groceries for your family.
One way that we live here for good is by working to be a consistent source of fresh, free groceries for hundreds of families through the distribution of thousands of pounds of food each month. In this season, we have created a brand new way of serving families free groceries that we call Grocery PickUp.
What’s great about Grocery PickUps is that we’re able to serve in a big way each month without having to have you wait in line for hours and hours each time. It’s a beautiful thing, but it takes your help to make it go.
You may be wondering, how do these Grocery PickUps work? Here’s the rundown…
Each month, any family that wants to participate in that month’s PickUp must register for that month’s PickUp in advance during one of our pre-registration opportunities that we call Grocery SignUp. All pre-registrations happen in advance, in person.
How do you sign up?
All groceries through Grocery PickUps are given to those who pre-register. We have multiple opportunities to pre-register for each Grocery PickUp that we call Grocery SignUps. You can check out the upcoming Grocery PickUp date to see what pre-registration time and option works best for you.
In order to sign up you simply show up, fill out the form and turn it in right then. Congrats! You’ve then pre-registered. Once you have pre-registered, you will receive a confirmation email that serves as your entrance into the Grocery PickUp. That email is necessary to be served at one of our PickUp times.
How do you pick up your groceries?
On the day of the PickUp, you must arrive in the 30 minute window your PickUp is scheduled for, present your confirmation email and show your license. If you miss your time, you will not be able to jump in at another time. Once all PickUp times have passed, we serve any remaining groceries on a first-come, first-served basis starting at 10:30AM.
When’s the next Grocery PickUp?
The best place to stay in touch with all things Grocery PickUp is right here. We keep our upcoming PickUp dates and SignUp opportunities right here. So whenever you have a question, check here first. All that being said, here’s the details on what’s coming up.
Upcoming Grocery PickUp: Saturday, January 25
SignUp Opportunities for this Grocery PickUp:
Saturday, January 18 [8:30AM - 11:30AM]
Sunday, January 19 [During Sunday Services at 9:15AM, 11AM or 2PM]
Wednesday, January 22 [3PM - 7PM]
[SignUps will be open until all spots are filled]
Saturday, February 22
Saturday, March 22
Also, if you are interested in serving with the team at one of our Grocery PickUps, we invite you to sign up for our Outreach Team to get all those notifications.