BELIEVING is doing.
When we leverage our time, our energy, and our abilities in some way to serve God and move forward the work He is doing through us, that is BELIEVING. From investing in kids in a bKIDZ environment, to creating a comfortable atmosphere through our hosting teams, making things operate behind the scenes, or through helping execute a worship experience in the auditorium, there are dozens of ways to get involved at BELIEVING.
We would love for you to participate in what's happening here. Whether on a Sunday or during the week, there is a place for you. Participating is something we emphasize at BELIEVING. We believe that giving God our best collectively happens when we all give God our best individually.
“We always give God our best. Everything we do we put our whole heart and best effort into.”
If you'd like to get involved, simply fill out the form below, and you will be contacted shortly from the BELIEVING Office. If you're interested and available, there's a place for you to volunteer at BELIEVING by serving God with your time and ability. So thanks, in advance, for personally getting involved in helping people believe God.